Non-lethal Pest Control
Humane Harassment
Humane harassment is a wildlife management approach that aims to deter wildlife without causing harm.
nstead of using poison or trap and release methods, which can have devastating consequences, attempt to get the animal to move on their own by playing loud music in the area for a few days and amping up human presence in the area. This gives the animal time to gather their babies and move on their own.
Other techniques include bright lights with motion sensors, and/or scent deterrents. Remove any nearby attractants (like food, or accessible garbage). Once the animal has had the chance to move on, seal the entry way to prevent someone else from moving in.
By prioritizing the well-being of both humans and animals, we can coexistence and minimize conflict.
Rodenticide is not the answer.
Inhumane practices like poison control and trap and release can have devastating
unintended consequences.
Poison kills indiscriminately.
Rodenticides don’t kill instantly, they are designed to kill the animal slowly. The poisoned animal can wander around for days disoriented, making an easy target for wild predators or neighborhood pets. Secondary poisoning from consuming poisoned pray animals is one of the biggest contributors to declining numbers in our native birds of prey species.
Rodenticides can persist in the environment, contaminating ground water and posing long-term risks to wildlife populations and humans alike. The indiscriminate use of these poisons presents serious threats to biodiversity, human health, and environmental integrity.
Trap and release methods aren’t humane, either.
Most people aren’t aware that it is actually illegal to trap an animal and release it outside of your own property. It might feel like the more humane option, but imagine being taken from the only home you’ve ever known and being dropped in a new neighborhood where you don’t know where the food and water sources are, don’t have a shelter, and don’t know what dangers are lurking around.
Animals are best left in their own territories and humane harassment techniques encourage them to retreat to a more suitable home while allowing them to remain in the territory they’re familiar with.
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